23 December 2021
Thank You

As it's Christmas and at Christmas you should tell the truth (little Love Actually quote for you), there are some thanks we want to make before this year is over.


Firstly thank you to shop and van assistants old and new for all their hard work over the past year. With all the change they have not complained and worked together to make the shop such a positive environment. We have received fantastic feedback from customers, and you guys all deserve to know how much we appreciate all you do, and we know you will all go on to do great things.


Next we want to say a HUGE thank you to our volunteers as we honestly could not have gotten through the past year without you. They are the unsung heroes behind our charity and truly deserve to be recognised for all they do within our organisation.


Thank you to our board members who work behind the scenes in their own time to keep this charity going. This past year has given additional challenges for you to face, and we are really thankful for all you do to look after our staff and volunteers.


Thank you to the Employability Orkney team, this year has thrown a lot at us, but we have worked through it together. At Employability Orkney it really is the team we are surrounded by that makes this place so special. We are fortunate enough to be surrounded by such positive, hardworking, and just pure fabulous people. We have welcomed some new face this year in Julia and Darren, and they have been a great addition to our small team.


Thank you to our customers, partner agencies and everyone who has supported us, we could not keep supporting our staff and volunteers without you.


Lastly, the EO team wants to make a shout out to two very special people who always go above and beyond for us at EO. Two people who are truly remarkable and we believe they need to know how much they are appreciated. They look after everyone and always have the interest of others at the front of what they do. They lift everyone up and EO would not be the happy place it is without them.


So we hope you will all join us in saying a very special thank you to Amy and Ian.

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