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Urban Ramble: Autumn
24 September 2023
Starts: 10:00
Ends: 14:00

Sunday 24th September

"Urban Ramble: Signs of Autumn"

Join us for our final seasonal walk to explore biodiversity in urban Kirkwall. 

We'll take a route of up to 4 miles looking at trees, plants, lichen, bird and insect life. There'll be lots of standing around, so dress warmly and bring binoculars and a hand lens/magnigying glass There's no designated lunch stop but do bring a drink and snack if required. All welcome to join us for as little or as much of the walk as you like

Meeting at 10:00am at the Peedie Sea end of Powerbowl/Old Bus Station car park. 

Contact leader Anne hewin7@btinternet.com for any further details.

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