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Stoats and nudibranchs
19 January 2024
Starts: 19:30
Ends: 20:30

Important Update! This talk is now online only due to the wintry weather. Now via Zoom only, check your emails for the link. Please do not turn up at the St Magnus Centre!

Two talks on very different subjects: first is an update from the Orkney Native Wildlife Project; followed by an illustrated talk about nudibranchs in Orkney waters.

1. Tom Hadley from the Orkney Native Wildlife Project will bring us up to date with progress towards a stoat-free Orkney.

2. Penny Martin will give an illustrated talk with lots of photos. Nudibranchs, also known as sea slugs, are soft-bodied marine molluscs that lack external shells. There are more than 30 species seen in Orkney seas. They are often brightly coloured and individual species feed on specific hydroids, bryozoans, soft corals, squirts and other nudibranchs. 

Meet in the St Magnus Centre in Kirkwall for 7.30pm on Friday 19th January 2024.

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