18 July 2014
Two Courses during August

There are two great courses organised locally over the last weekend in August.

On Saturday 23rd August, the Records Centre is offering a free bumblebee identification training day in Kirkwall, in partnership with visiting experts from the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.  For more info or to book a place, please email biodiversity@orkneylibrary.org.uk or phone Sydney Gauld at the Orkney Library on 01856 873166.  Places are limited to 12 so book early to avoid disappointment.

Then on Sunday 24th August, RSPB’s Julian Branscombe and Anne Bignall are running a day organised with Scottish Crofting Federation and VAO on crofting for wildlife. There is a £40 charge for the Sunday, but it should be a very full and interesting day – and it includes lunch! It is designed to be ideal for anyone interested in managing land for wildlife – everything from habitat creation options to practicality of long-term management will be covered in the indoor sessions, and the day will close seeing the wonderful results that be achieved for real (and hearing how challenges have been overcome) by visiting Dick Matson’s 10 acres by Loch of Swannay.  For more info or to book a place, please emailEdwina.lloyd@vaorkney.org.uk or phone Edwina at VAO on 01856 872897.

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