13 October 2008
First Songshare Event Announced
There are many BOSP events in the pipeline, the first of which will be in the Stromness Town Hall on Saturday the 1st November. The event will be free of charge to all who wish to attend, and promises to be fun and informative. Participants can expect a short concert of Orkney songs, a talk about the project and its aims, a mini workshop for those wishing to learn an old Orkney song, and an opportunity to sing or talk about any songs known or remembered from childhood. Any songs collected from participants will be included in the Big Orkney Song Collection, a newly created archive dedicated to preserving the songs of Orkney. We would like to stress that these events are intended for everyone, you do not have to be able to sing to take part or attend! Please come and join us for a cup of tea and enjoy an afternoon listening to and talking about Orkney Songs. For more information about these events and the Big Orkney Song Project, please visit the Orkney Singers website on www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/ORKNEYSINGERS or email us orkneysingers@hotmail.com.
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