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u3a Walking Group Two - January 2024

by Ellie - 14:44 on 15 January 2024

Twelve of us met on Monday 8th January at the Rendall Cemetery for our first walk of 2024. The weather conditions were perfect the sun was shining, the sea was flat calm, and only a light breeze. From the cemetery we walked down the hill and took the first turning on the left to follow the road around the coast, with splendid views across the Firth Bay to Shapinsay. After passing the Bay of Isbister and a group photograph at the Bay of Puldrite we continued onto the Bay of Hinderayre where we decided to take a little detour and visit the ancient churchyard and the church remains. It was such a beautiful day we extend the walk and took the grassy track to walk over to the Doocot. After a short break we retraced our steps and walked a short distance before turning right up the grassy track. On reaching a minor road we turned right and then left onto the Gorseness road up the hill and back to the cemetery. The view changed as we turned the corners, and in a gap in the hills we could see Ward Hill on Hoy. On reaching the cars we finished the morning with a hot drink from our flasks and homemade cakes. The walk was a bit further than originally planned, 5.5 miles instead of 4 miles. It was great to meet up and have a walk after all the festivities of Christmas. A good start to the New Year.

Our next walk is on Monday 5th February (the first Monday of the month). Details to be sent out nearer the date.

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