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u3a Walking Group One - March 2024

by Tim Wright - 19:11 on 29 March 2024


Nine of us met at the bay at Marwick on a rather damp morning to walk to the Palace in Birsay .The rain stopped as we set out and so it was off up the short hill to the Kitchener Memorial ..A  rest to admire the view and it was off again on the long down hill stretch to the beach at the Palace ..The hill kept the wind down to reasonable levels and the skies started to brighten.After 3.5 miles we arrived at the shop at the Palace .Hot pies were the order of the day eaten in the Palace ruins .Maybe we should have looked out the Banqueting Hall but there are there is a lot of fencing around to save us from falling masonry ! A nice walk with a sunny end .

The next walk will be Thursday  April 25th .More details nearer the time .

Keep moving, Tim.

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