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u3a Walking Group One - 12 July, 2024 - Orphir

by Tim Wright - 10:12 on 13 July 2024

The mist was down over the Hill as we met at Orphir Village this morning. However it was dry and with little wind showing we decided to tackle Ward Hill rather than the alternative Bu to Swanbister walk. Taking a car up to the top of the Hill at Scorradale we walked along the peat track to the base of Ward Hill. By this time the mist had risen and we had good view of the hill. Five of us tackled the steep uphill path to the capped pole on the top of the hill. We stopped for a while for nourishment admiring the view until the mist returned prompting a swift exit. We went down the tractor path past the shooting range and Guide Hut. Someone was moving house at the bottom of the road but we managed to squeeze past the enormous removal Lorry onto the main road. Then a short walk back to the church, our starting point. A good 4 mile walk with 770 feet gained in elevation to keep the muscles supple and the circulation active! Thanks to all those who came and enjoyed the chat as well as the walk.

The next meeting will be Thursday 15th August, 5 weeks rather than 4 weeks, but I will be on my small cruise to St Kilda in a month, weather permitting.

Keep moving,


PS Kate sent a photo of the Bog Pimpernel that she was hunting for and finally found.

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