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u3a Botany group - 13 August, 2024 - Mousland

by Julie Temple - 09:03 on 21 August 2024

The afternoon was clear, sunny but quite windy.

We walked from the farm through the grazed fields up onto the lower slopes of North Hill where the moorland was rich in wild flowers. 

We saw -

  • Mousear
  • Tormentil
  • Ling, Bell and Cross leaved heath heathers
  • Devils bit scabious
  • Selfheal
  • Autumnal Hawkbit and Catsear - with some discussion about the features which distinguish the two
  • Yarrow
  • Eyebright
  • Heath milkwort
  • Grass of Parnassus
  • Birds foot Trefoil
  • Bog asphodel 
  • Crowberry
  • Common cotton grass
  • Marsh lousewort 
  • Reindeer moss
  • Lesser club moss
  • Butterwort
  • Slender St Johns wort
  • Red clover
  • Angelica
  • Lesser spearwort
  • Yellow sedge
  • Common sedge
  • Green ribbed sedge
  • Viviparis fescue 
  • Primrose
  • Marsh thistle
  • Creeping willow
  • Pennywort

Hoy from Mousland

Bog asphodel

Devil's bit scabious 

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