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Big Hall Clean
22 September 2023

YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU 🥰 It's that time of year again!! The Holm Community Centre - BIG CLEAN We are looking for volunteers to come along and help us clean the hall and so maintain the high standards that we have been complemented on. 1.5 - 2 hour slots are available starting from 6.00pm on Friday night and finishing at 5.30pm on Saturday night. Times are - Friday - 6.00-7.30pm, 7.30-9.00pm Saturday - 9.00-11.00pm, 11.00-1.00pm, 1.30-3.30pm, 3.30-5.30pm Refreshments will be served!! We will need a few folk for each slot so please look out your rubber gloves and book your slot now! You can email Holmcommunitycentre@outlook.com or call Rachael on 781 762

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Holm Gala Day 22nd July 2023

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