70 Islands - 17 Inhabited
Orkney is a world class paddling destination with often challenging conditions and fast flowing tides for the experienced paddler but, if you prefer, you can nearly always find sheltered waters whatever the weather.
Britain's highest cliffs, really impressive caves, arches and tunnels, miles of sandy beaches, wrecked ships, World Heritage Site status archaeology, teeming with wild life, the Orkney Islands have it all.
Sea Kayaking
During the summer months Club Members meet up on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and sometimes for longer trips at the weekend. Please CLICK HERE for futher details.
Sea paddles are open to KKC Members. Visiting paddlers who wish to join us on a paddle can become Visiting Members for a nominal fee. This will however be at the discretion of the Trip Leader on the day.
Thursday Sea Kayaking
Paddling for more experienced kayakers takes place every Thursday evening in the summer months meeting up at 6.30pm at the Orkney Sailing Club compound at Hatston Slip, Kirkwall.
Booking is essential please CLICK HERE to access our booking system.
Social distancing and good hand hygiene must be maintained at all times. If you feel unwell please stay at home. All our procedures will be explained at the safety briefing.
Pool Training
Pool training takes place during the winter months in the swimming pool at Pickaquoy Sports Centre on Sunday evenings. There are separate sessions for Junior (under years) and Adults.
Booking is essential please CLICK HERE to access our booking system.
Please CLICK HERE for further information on pool training.
Paddle Orkney
A biennial Sea Kayak Symposium based on mainland Orkney nexr takes place 20 -22 June 2025. Booking will open in December 2024. Please see the website for further details. www.paddleorkney.org
Kirkwall Kayak Club Privacy Notice
Kirkwall Kayak Club embraces the principles of GPDR and cares about protecting the privacy of Club Members.
Please CLICK HERE to read our Privacy Notice
CLICK HERE to follow us on Facebook
Blue Door
Our week in the Blue Door raised £2839.61!!
What an amazing facility the Blue Door is!
Well done everyone and a special enormous thank you to Eileen Spence and her Blue Door team.
The money raised will be part of our contribution to a lottery funded project to update our coaches and also purchase boats and equipment to support our successful training programme which embraces all ages from children to the not so young.
Kirkwall Kayak Club is affiliated to the Scottish Canoe Association.
Please CLICK HERE to contact Kirkwall Kayak Club.
Founder member John Mowat has been kayaking for over forty years and has held British Canoe Union (BCU) coaching qualifications for most of that time.