25 August 2008
RYA Day Skipper Course
Orkney College is intending to run a RYA Day Skipper evening course in Orkney starting on Monday 15th September, 7pm - 9pm. This is an introduction to navigation and metereology for mariners and would be a very good thing for kayakers to have. The cost is £180 for 20 weeks BUT if you earn <£18000 per annum, you can receive funding through the ILA (£200). The course will run either at the college in Kirkwall or at the Maritime Studies department in Stromness, depending on numbers. Please see http://www.orkney.gov.uk/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=3824&tt=orkneyv2 for course details and application http://www.ryatraining.org/leisure/navigation/Pages/Dayskipper.aspx for course content and www.ilascotland.org.uk for funding information
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