Arrangements to erect a new memorial to commemorate the Orkney air crash with heaviest loss of life took significant steps forward this weekend. Nine members of the Ottersland family from Arendal, near Kristiansand, in Norway visited Orkney. They attended a short commemorative service this morning at the site of the B24 Liberator bomber crash at Walliwall on 31st March 1945. The six Norwegian special forces passengers and seven of the eight US Air Force crew died in the crash, just over a month before the end of World War 2. At the OIC Council Chambers Gerald Ottersland, nephew of Gjerulf Ottersland one of the six Norwegians who died here, officially presented on behalf of his family an engraved stone panel. Orkney Builders will incorporate the panel into a wall in a new public footpath at the housing scheme being built just below where the bomber crashed. A couple of photos and brief description of the service can be seen using the link below.
24 May 2015
Liberator Crash Memorial at Walliwall