
Regatta 1953

Rousay Stromness Kirkwall Holm Longhope


Rousay Regatta 1953

Rousay's big day marred by rain

Rousay had bad luck last week when heavy rain showers severely intrerfered with the Gala Day programme which had been arranged for Thursday - the Kirkwall holiday. The regatta which drew a good entry from Kirkwall as well as the island itself, was not so badly affected, being held in the early part of the day, but conditions were unpleasant during the afternoon for competitors and spectators alike.

All the early part of the day was good right up to and including the crowning of the Gala Queen at 2pm. This year the "Queen" was Miss Mary Gibson of Avils and the coronation was carried out with fitting pomp and pageantry, the actual crowning being performed by last year's "Queen", Miss Inga Grieve

Thus colourful ceremony over, the procession, headed by the Kirkwall Boy's Brigade Pipe Band marched to the field where it was hoped to hold the sports meeting but at this point the rain which had been threatening all morning came down.

A start was made on the sports programme but it was impossible to complete it.

Competitors and spectators alike tried to make the best of things but it was no less a disappointment to them than to the organising committee which had put in so much hard work beforehand.

At 5pm the gardens of Trumland House were opened to the public and afterwards there was a sale of work in the store at the pier. The day finished with the traditional Rousay regatta dance which started after the Earl Sigurd had left for Kirkwall at 9pm.

The committee take this opportunity of thanking Mrs. Grant for opening the Trumland House gardeens to the public; Mr. Johnston, Trumland Farm, for the use of the sports field; Mr. D. Bertram, for use of the Orkney Steam Navigation Company's store; the Boys' Brigadee Pipe Band for coming out to play selections on the pier and sports field; the Orkney Agricultural Society for use of a marquee; and all those who donated prizes and gifts, and any others who helped in any way to make the day a success.

Results were as follows:

Large Boats

Place Boat Skipper Owner Time
1 Naughty Girl A. Finlayson J. Newlands 38:18
2 Soli I. Muir D. Cooper 40:20

Designed Class

Place Boat Skipper Owner Time
1 Corona J. Laird J. Laird 19:27
2 First Attempt D. Grieve D. Grieve 20:35
3 Saga W. Groat W. Groat 21:10
4 Kael J. Thomson J. Laird 21:49
5 Ferrylouper J. Down P. Sutherland 22:53
6 Wild Cat J. Wylie Dr. Anderson 23:05

Centreboard Dinghies

Place Boat Skipper Owner Time
1 Shangani D. McInnes D. McInnes 26:17


Place Boat Skipper Owner Time
1 Corona J. Laird J. Laird 36:00
2 First Attempt D. Grieve D. Grieve 36:30
3 Saga W. Groat W. Groat 37:08
4 Naughty Girl A. Finlayson J. Newlands 38:18
5 Kael J. Thomson J. Laird 39:05
6 Ferrylouper J. Down P. Sutherland 39:35
7 Soli I. Muir D. Cooper 40:20
8 Wild Cat J. Wylie Dr. Anderson 42:10
9 Shangani D. McInnes D. McInnes 43:30

Stromness Regatta 1953

All-comers' race was a drifting match!

No fewer than 11 boats varying in size and design from Merlins, Rockets and Orkney built dinghies to the comparatively large 22 ft Kirkwall yachts "Naughty Girl" took part in the annual regatta at Stromness on Tuesday of last week.


Kirkwall Regatta 1953

20 boats take part in Kirkwall Regatta

Light winds veering from north to the east gave Orkney Sailing Club a quiet day for it's annual regatta in Kirkwall Bay on Saturday, when about twenty boats from all over the county took part.

The wind freshened slightly for the afternoon race and while going was quite good, especially for the dinghies, it would not be sasid that they were ever anywhere near being fully stretched. It was, in fact, a day when spinnakers were more useful than reefing gear.

The fine weather attracted a good many spectators, who cludtered on the pier and various vantage points to watch the start and finish of the races. Others took up positions along the Carness Road to watch the boats rounding the Greenfield or the Weyland buoys, both of which were quite close inshore.

The course was from the pierhead to Greenfield, then a run before the wind to Crowness, a long diagonal back to Weyland, and another run home to the pierhead; in other words, an X with the two ends closed.

Rocket-Merlin Class

The first race at 10:30 am brought out seven competitors for the Rocket/Merlin class. Wind was northerly and very light indeed. Away to the southward the foghorn could be heard booming in the pentland Firth, threatening a fog bound regattafor the second year running. the threat did not materialise however, until late evening after the racing was over.

Kirkwall Bay had alternate layers of light and pale blue streaks showing the patchiness of the wind. The boats had to tack once or twice to reach the Greenfield buoy, but Njord, skippered by A. Finlayson, which did so well last year, was leading all the wayand actually crossed the finishing line before the next boat, True Love (R. Drever) had rounded Weyland buoy for the last leg of the race.

Snipe Class

The Snipe class race, which started just afte rthe first race, also experienced very patchy weather. The new boat Venture (A. Kirkpatrick) soon pulled ahead and kept her lead all the way round without being seriously challenged.

So far ahead was the Venture that the next boat, Viking (A. Flett) mwas little more than halfway from Crowness to Weyland when she crossed the line, and the last boat had not even rounded the Crowness buoy. By this time the wind had gone round to the east and had almost completely died away.

All-comers' race

The all-comers presented a magnificent sightat the start, and, in fact, throughout the race, as they did not get so strung out as in some races. Again it was a tussle between Soli and Naughty Girl, with the positions reversed, although the race, being sailed under handicap, was won with a fine performance by Saga.

Arrangements for the regatta were in the hands of Mr. John Gow, timekeeper; Mr D. Wooldrage, starter; Mr. E. J. hendry, secretary and treasurer; Capt. Sinclair, vice-Commodore, and a committee member, Mr. Leslie Wylie. Mr John Foulis, Commodore, was out in the bay during the races with his launch ready to act as rescue craft if needed.

Rocket Class

Place Boat Skipper Time
1 Njord A. Finlayson 1:05:08
2 True Love R. Drever 1:18:28
3 Corona J. Laird 1:22:50
4 Orcadian J. Wylie 1:26:50
5 Ferrylouper J. Thomson 1:27:21
6 First Attempt D. Grieve 1:27:41
7 Iris T. Brough 1:39:11

Snipe Class

Place Boat Skipper Time
1 Venture A. Kirkpatrick 1:18:57
2 Viking A. Flett 1:42:27
3 Mavis J. Peace 2:00:20
4 I'm Alone W. Allan 2:06:50
5 Zephyr J. Simpson 2:08:16

Orkney Dinghies

Place Boat Skipper Time Corr.
1 Sulisker S. Banks 2:04:55 2:04:40
2 Daisy D. Grieve 2:17:57 2:17:57
3 Shangani J. Jamieson 2:20:56 2:21:35

22 ft and under

Place Boat Skipper Time Corr.
1 Soli I. Muir 1:45:23 2:04:40
2 Naughty Girl D. Kirkpatrick 1:46:01 1:46:01
3 Viking A. Flett 1:54:31 1:50:30
4 Venture A. Kirkpatrick 1:59:00 1:54:49
5 Mavis J. Peace 2:05:23 2:01:22
6 I'm Alone W. Allan 2:06:27 2:04:26
7 Zephyr J. Simpson 2:12:37 2:08:16

Designed Dinghies 14ft and under

Place Boat Skipper Time
1 Corona J. Laird 1:38:40
2 Cygnet W. Clouston 1:40:02
3 True Love R. Drever 1:40:45
4 First Attempt D. Grieve 1:42:17
4 Saga W. Groat 1:42:17
6 Njord A. Finlayson 1:43:40
7 Orcadian J. Wylie 1:43:56
8 Sunshine E. Mackay 1:46:27
9 Ferrylouper J. Thomson 1:53:27
10 Iris T. Brough  


Place Boat Skipper Time Corr.
1 Saga W. Groat 52:20 51:50
2 Naughty Girl D. Kirkpatrick 52:23 52:23
3 Corona J. Laird 53:51 53:21
4 True Love R. Drever 54:30 54:00
5 Soli   54:07 54:07
6 First Attempt D. Grieve 54:47 54:17
7 Njord A. Finlayson 56:25 55:56
8 Cygnet   56:27 55:57
9 Orcadian J. Wylie 56:52 56:22
10 Sunshine   58:52 57:40

Orkney Dinghies and Snipes

Place Boat Skipper Time Corr.
1 Venture A. Kirkpatrick 1:00:29 1:00:29
2 Viking A. Flett 1:00:39 1:00:39
3 Shangani J. Jamieson 1:10:52 1:10:07
4 Zephyr J. Simpson 1:10:52 1:10:52
5 I'm Alone W. Allan 1:13:12 1:13:12

Longhope Regatta 1953

Coronation Regatta at Longhope

The Longhope Sailing Club held their Coronation Regattas at Lyness on Saturday afternoon, June 13, under the auspices of the Honborary Commodore, Commander Bruce, R. N. The day turned out to be an ideal regatta day.

A total of eleven boats competed for the Silver Tankard presented by Commander Bruce, which was won by the three sail Orkney yawl, "Daisy", skippered by W. Groat snr.

Memberds of Longhope Sailing Club and all competitors were entertained to tea in the Ward Room of the Boom Defence vessel "Moorpont" by Commander and Mrs. Bruce.

This vessel was also made available to spectators, which gave them a grand stand view of the racing, and to the timekeepers, judges, and other officials who were given the use of the bridge which with the sound hailer and signalling equipment greatly assisted in the smooth running of the regatta.

A large crowd were present to see the first local regatta to be held at Lyness. The course was 2 1/2 miles in length, from Ore Bay to Fara, across to Crockness, and back to Ore Bay

The Longhope Sailing Club are grateful to Commander Bruce for all the facilities which were laid on for them, and also for the invaluable assistance he gives the club.

Results with corrected times

Place Boat Skipper Time
1 Pomona (International Dinghy) Cdr. Bruce 29:36
2 Daisy (3 sailed Orkney yawl) Wm Groat Snr. 30:19
3 Curlew (Bermuda rigged centre board boat) James Wilson 31:06
4 Orcadian (Merlin) James Wylie 1:42:17
5 Family Pride (3 sailed Orkney Yawl) Dan Kirkpatrick 31:27
6 Annie (Bermuda Rigged Orkney dinghy) Sam Doull 31:50
7 Pearl (Gunter Rigged Orkney dinghy) J. Smith 32:09
8 Emma (Bermuda Rigged Orkney Yawl) M. Robertson 32:12
9 Endeavour (Bermuda rig Orkney Yawl) Jas. Johnston 32:28
10 Roness (Lateen Rig Orkney Dinghy) Jas. Dunnett 39:43
11 Alona (Lateen rig Orkney dinghy) W. Ross 42:07
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