June’s Soulka:
Gruellie Belkies Oot ‘n’ Aboot
Friday evening - the Inter-Parish Quiz
Friday evening - the Driftwood Cowboys
Saturday morning talk; the Place-names of Sanday - Karl Cooper
Saturday afternoon - Tea and Tango
Strictly Tea and Tango - the Chair Tango
...and then the Fancy Dress Parade
North Isles' Cooncillors/Laddergate (Gavin Skea, Andrew Skea, James Muir, Raymond Brown, Doreen Skea)
Gordon's G & T (Jacqueline Seatter, Gordon Bain, Ruth Brough)
Dalmation (Grace Muir) and Sanday Swimming Pool closed (Caitlin Muir)
Owl and Chick (Ella and Emily McArthur)
Headless Horseman (Sarah Sinclair)
Superman and Soulkaman (Ruari Towrie)
Sunday afternoon - Stronsay's Silver Darlings audience
Sunday afternoon - Stronsay's Silver Darlings
Sunday afternoon - Stronsay's Silver Darlings audience
The Start of the Sports' Club Fun Run
Fun Run - the Timekeepers at their table
...early finishing cyclists...
...and a runner
Winning runners with Sanday's ultra-distance runner William Sichel