
11 March 2025Drama Festival Repeats in Stromness on 14 Mar - Support our teams heading south!

Our repeat performance of the festival play entries is a really important fundraiser for both SDC and Stromness Academy Players for their journeys to the next stage of the competition - Northern Division Youth Finals on Sat 15 March for SA Players, and Northern Division Finals on Thurs 27 March for SDC with the Scurvy Ridden Whale Men - so come along and see these three prize-winning plays this Friday night, 14 March at 7pm in the Stromness Academy Lecture Theatre.

02 March 2025Stromness Repeats - another chance to see 3 award-winning plays

And now, your chance to see three plays from the award-winning Stromness teams in their home town!
Don't miss out on supporting both Stromness Drama Club and Stromness Academy Players as this is an important fundraiser for both teams heading south later this month and an extra opportunity to hone their performances ahead of the next stage of the competition.
Entry is a bargain £6 payable at the door (cash only) and we'll have a great selection of raffle prizes to tempt you.

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