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u3a Photography Group - trip to Grantown-on-Spey - September 2024

by Tom Wright - 16:31 on 23 September 2024

The sixth Annual U3A Photographic trip set out early from Stromness. The sixteen of us had a rather lumpy crossing on the Hamnavoe and set off for our first stop at Berridale under gray skies. Arriving early some went down the Glen to the sea and across the rather rickety bridge across the burn. Others had turned off earlier at Latheron and gone down to another inlet there with a fine 18th Century bridge and Ice house at the Harbour. Well fed at the Berridale Laundry Café we carried on south through a lot of rain around Inverness to Grantown-on-Spey. That was the last rain we saw for the whole trip as it was sun all the way from then. Some people stopped at the Bridge at Carrbridge to photo the Packhorse bridge the village is named after. Then it was on to the Grant Arms House Hotel in the centre of Grantown. The hotel was excellent with good food, large rooms, even for the single members among us and excellent service at all times. It is heavily biased towards Bird Watchers and provides daily excursions to places of Natural interest in the area. Taking advantage of this 12 of us took a guided walk at Loch Garten. The Ospreys were not in residence but Crested Tits and spectacular Spiders webs were to the fore. There were  lovely views over the loch in the sun with beautiful reflections in the calm waters. The cars then went in different directions some returning to Grantown to walk and others to go to Tomintoul and the Lecht ski Centre after lunching in Nethy Bridge. Grantown has an extensive set of walks easily accessed from the main street. One can go down to a set of walks in woods south of the town by the Spey catering for all abilities and of varying lengths up to 6 km. The alternative walks are north of the town going uphill to the view point again up to 5 km long. Most people did at least one or two of these over the time we were there. Going on the to the viewpoint the following day we saw a Tree Creeper and got very good views of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker, the call of which was recognised by Sally before we actually saw it. However on the Monday evening 6 lucky members set off Badger watching near Boat of Garten. A walk across a field took us to a hide in front of a hillock covered with trees. The guide liberally covered the ground in Peanuts and we sat and waited but not long before the first badger appeared. He was soon followed by a female and eventually we had 5 all around the hide, three of which looked and acted like youngsters. Lots of photos taken but the use of flash was not allowed for obvious reasons. However the light was fading fast and even though the outside lights were turned on photography was getting increasingly difficult. So after two hours a band of very happy photographers left, thrilled by their close encounter with animals never seen at home.

Tuesday saw some heading to Cairngorm to the chairlift which was not working. Hence they walked up but not to the top and got great views to Loch Morlich and beyond. Then back via Loch Pityoulish on the back road from Coylumbridge. Others headed to Knockando and the beautifully restored Woolen Mill there which is made for industrial Photography. 

The following day some set off to Ballindalloch Castle and Gardens while others went to Boat of Garten to see the arrival of the Steam train on the Speyside Railway. The station is like a return to the 50’s which some of us remember! It had old adverts and a pristine Lady’s Waiting room with old fashioned seats in. A wooden signal box and a proper ticket office add to the period feel. The train stops for 10 mins while it fills with water. Lots of steamy and smoky photos waiting to be taken as well as the possibility of tea or lunch aboard if we go there next year.

Then it was off up the A9 to the Ferry. One group stopped off at Dunrobin and took in the Falconry Display as well as the beautiful gardens. The ferry home was flat calm and the sunset beautiful but with no green flash. The moon rose down the Firth and was an interesting shape in the haze.

So a very happy 16 arrived safe home after a wonderful trip away. Many thanks to Hilary for all her hard work in getting it all set up for us. Did we enjoy it? Yes, so much so that we are thinking to go again next year.

Keep clicking,





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