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u3a Photography Group - Gurness and Aikerness - 19 March 2025

by Tim Wright - 10:32 on 20 March 2025

Twelve of us met at Gurness and Aikerness .When we had finally got together (!) we spent some time at both venues. The Broch is always good for some Stonework photos as well as the plants sheltering between them. Along the shore lots of birds were pairing up from Oyster Catchers to Rock Pipits plus a Wagtail too. We didn't see the usually reliable Snow Buntings, but then as it was warm with barely a cloud in the sky they may have headed off to colder climes. At Aikerness the little graveyard has a real old fashioned stone stile plus a lot of very old graves. One is in the shape of a Dining Room Table but the Sycamore next door to it is starting to smother it. Others went to the slip but the Purple Sand Pipers were singing away from their usual spot.

Then it was off to Barbara and David's house for an excellent lunch of rolls and two different Soups followed by a lovely cake, biscuits and coffee. We were really spoilt by her and David's generosity. Thank you both very much.

The next outing hopefully will be to Rousay for the day on Wednesday 16th April. I will look into Ferry times etc and more will follow on this. We will take a few cars and fill them. I don't know if there is anywhere to eat now on Rousay so it may be a picnic day. It will be weather dependent too .

The Project this month is "New Life" so bursting Buds, Lambs, Calves etc etc or even new Grandchildren perhaps. See what you can do with that.

In the meantime,

Many Thanks once again to Barbara and David for their terrific spread to keep us all clicking! 


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