
Online Booking

Book now!

Login to our online booking system by clicking on the link above. 
If you are not registered on the system and do not have a link to register, please contact Crantit or email here.

Any problems - telepnone Crantit Dairy on 01856 872542.

Please CLICK HERE for our pricing details and essential user guidelines.

How to Pay
The first time you make a booking online you will be asked for a debit or credit card number.
Your card will only be debited after the booking has taken place and you can amend or cancel your booking until the time the booking takes place.
When you make, amend or cancel a booking you will receive email confirmation showing how much, if anything, your card will be debited.

You can pay by cash or cheque at the Riding Centre or by BACS.

Cash or Cheque
Under the wall mounted safe across from the cafeteria are remittance advice forms and plastic pouches.  Fill out the form, place in a plastic pouch along with your remittance and "post" in the safe.

Bank details - Account Name:  Orkney Riding Centre   Sort Code:  80-08-66   Account No:  00613580
For the reference please use the same name as on the booking along with date of hire.

Whatever method of payment you choose, please help us allocate your payment correctly by filling out the remittance advice/hirer return and posting it in the safe.

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