
Welfare Rights

Orkney CAB's welfare rights service provides specialist casework, at claim, review and appeal level, in relation to incapacity, disability and poverty-related benefits, including representation for clients at first tier tribunals.

In Court Advice Service

ICAS provides information, advice and representation to those facing eviction and repossession of their home or debt recovery by responding to a court summons, negotiating with creditors and representing a client in court when needed. ICAS can also assist with re-calling a decree which has already been granted in court.

Our In Court Adviser is supported by the Civil Legal Aid Office and Citizens Advice Scotland, ensuring that the advice and support we provide is relevant, legally correct and up to date.

Orkney CAB's In Court Advice Service can provide advice, support and assistance on a wide range of issues such as:

- Notice of Proceedings for recovery of possession (NOP)

- Responding to a court summons

- Representing you in court to defend an action to repossess your home

- Negotiating with creditors

- Recalling to court a decree which has already been granted

- Representing you in court to defend a small claims action

- Raising counter claims to a court action

- Raising small claims actions for you as a pursuer

- Housing, Consumer, Credit Card and Personal Loan debt

Income Maximisation

The income Maximisation Adviser (IMA) is a role linked directly to the In Court Advice Service. When a client approaches ICAS for assistance, they will automatically be offered the advice and assistance of IMA.

Money Advice

Orkney CAB's money advice service assists the Income Maximisation Adviser to support clients who are facing financial difficulty to achieve debt relief through various debt remedies. ie. Debt Payment Programmes under the Debt Arrangement Scheme, voluntary repayment plans and bankruptcy etc.

Housing and Homelessness Service

The Housing and Homelessness Service assists clients who are homeless, at risk of being made homeless or facing other housing difficulties by providing advice on housing options and security of tenure as well as ensuring that the client is in reciept of full benefit entitlement. This service, in conjunction with the In Court Advice Service, also provides representation in housing cases that involve court action, tribunals and local authority appeals

Patient Advice Support Service

PASS provides information, advice, and support to patients, their carers and families about NHS healthcare.

PASS will:

Provide you with information, advice and support if you want to give feedback, comment, or complain about helathcare provided by NHS Scotland.

Help you understand your rights and reponsibilities as a patient.

Work with the NHS in Scotland to inprove healthcare provision, work that can be done because of the feedback provided by you.


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