
Dounby Show Admission Wristbands - 2024

Admission wristbands and prize draw tickets will be available from local businesses listed below. These can be purchased prior to Show Day, saving you £1 at the gate and reducing queuing time.

  • Adult Badges £8 each
  • Children's Wristbands (16 years and under) £5 each     

Admission at the gate, 17 years and over will be £9, 12 to 16 years old £6, primary school age and under free.

Anyone exhibiting stock at the show, must purchase a wrist band prior to the event.

Available from:

Birsay Farmers Ltd

Dounby Butcher

Dounby Post Office

E Flett Butcher, Stromness

Finstown Post Office

Isbister Brothers, Quoyloo

Orkney Auction Mart

Secretary - Sarah Sinclair










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