
Pool Ladder

The members pool ladder was floated as an idea before Christmas (2011) and is now slowly drifting from the shore. Duncan has kindly laminated up name cards for the ladder and the ladder itself is safely stored in the kitchen.

The seven musketeers who signed up initially have now been joined by that D'Artagnan of pool, Willie Garrioch. The sheer even-numberedness of this now opens up the possibilities of a round robin league competition as well as the ladder.

We'll see how this goes. Any ideas, or enthusiasm for the round robin league, email steven@kw15.co.uk.

If you fancy participating, you are very welcome - just email Steven.

But what are the rules?

Here are the rules:


Use the phone numbers on the sheet in the club or the email addresses that will be sent to you to make challenges.

When a challenge has been issued, the match has to be played within a week or the challenge lapses.

You can't be challenged while waiting to play a challenge.

NB Some nights the pool league use the table - check the club's Events Calendar to see what nights they do.

Who's going to keep track of this?

Steven Heddle will.

Email steven@kw15.co.uk when a challenge is issued, saying who is challenging who, and the date of the challenge.

When the match is played email the result to the same address and he'll keep everybody up to date by email and through this page.

The list of challenges and results will be recorded here.

Who are the players?

Anna Dunsmuir
Gary Farquhar
Steven Heddle
John Richards
Raymond Smith
Stevie Burns
Craig Shearer
Willie Garrioch

Challenges and Results

Current Ladder (18/2/12)

1. Anna
2. Raymond
3. Craig
4. John
5. Steven
6. Stevie
7. Gary
8. Willie


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