

University of the Third Age

Dedicated to the pursuit of leisure and learning for retired people and people not in full-time employment




Thurs 18 Jan            Meeting CANCELLED due to weather conditions


Thurs 15 Feb             Soibhan Robertson, Age Scotland - Supporting Older Adults in Orkney


Thurs 21 March         Keith Ramsay - The Most Important Weather Forecast in History


Thurs 18 April           AGM followed by Conversation, Coffee and Cake


Thurs 16 May            Laura Drever - Visual Artist living and working in Orkney


Thurs 20 June           Lucy Gibbon - Orkney Library Archive


Thurs 15 August       Kevin Moar - Work of the Orkney Drugs Dog


Thurs 19 Sept           Siobhan Cooke-Miller - Orkney Museum Curator of Archaeology


Thurs 17 Oct             Rosemary Moon - From Brighton to Bendigo: a Cook in search of her kitchen


Thurs 21 Nov            Tom Nimmo - Camouflage : a photographic look at seeing and not-seeing 


Thurs 05 Dec            Christmas Lunch at Merkister Hotel from 12 noon




Meetings start at 3.00pm (unless otherwise stated)
in the St Magnus Centre, Kirkwall


Orkney u3a Groups

Photography:: Book Reading (fiction)
Book Reading (non-fiction)::Cinema
Botany :: Walking (2 Groups) :: Art :: Cinema
Music Appreciation (2 Groups) :: Play Reading
Orkney Straw Work ::Recorder playing:: Craft :: Scrabble

Further details on the
Groups Page

Orkney u3a Chairman: Keith Ramsay

Individual membership currently £10.00

Email: info@orkneyu3a.org



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