Vital Talk is a small local charity that has the support of several local church organisations. It is now well established as a local provider of general counselling that is of a high standard. A unique aspect of the service is that Christian Counselling is also available for anyone who wishes it.
Vital Talk provides equal access to anyone aged 16 years and over, regardless of ethnicity, gender or religion.
Appointments are available at several locations, in Kirkwall, Hoy and Stromness. The service is free of charge but contributions towards running costs are always welcome.
Vital Talk Counsellors are fully qualified, having completed a minimum 2 year Diploma in Counselling (or are working towards a qualification) which is accredited by COSCA, Scotland’s Professional Body for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
As a member organisation of COSCA, Counsellors abide by COSCA’s Code of Ethics and Practice, and support COSCA’s vision for a ‘caring, listening society that values people’s wellbeing’.
For more information or to arrange an appointment,
E mail: or
Tel: 07510927444
Vital Talk Orkney Counselling Service
The Life Centre
East Road
KW15 1LX
Registered Charity SCO42360
(Our Complaints Policy and Procedures can be found on the Trustees page)