
Who are we? 

Operational Staff

Service Cordinator:  Louise McQuaid

Advocates : John Foulis, Alan Loughlan, Kevin Denvir


Please be advised that all advocates will also advocate in other areas. You are matched to the Advocate who has the most experience or knowledge of your case, rather than by category.

All Advocacy Orkney employees have full PVG Disclosure clearnance which allows them to work wth people and vulnerable groups.

Board of Directors:

Advocacy Orkney is governed by a Board Of Directors all of whom are volunteers. The Advocacy Orkney Baord meet at least quarterly and provide strategic steer to the organisation, ensuring the Charity operates properly and that the service provision meets the needs of the people who require independent advocacy support.

Advocacy Orkney is a Scottish Registered Charity, SC no: 033298 governed by a Board of Directors acting in a voluntary capacity and managed by a paid Service Manager. We are also members of the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance (SIAA) an organisation that promotes, supports and defends independent advocacy across Scotland (for more information on the SIAA click here).

We have a team of dedicated staff that work together offering a professional advocacy service, particularly to those people who feel either excluded from or marginalised in society.The team is headed by our Service Manager who manages the advocates and supervises all operational issues. Advocacy Orkney is committed to improving service delivery in Orkney and does this through the Service Manager who works in partnership with other services to influence the discussion on issues that can affect the people that use our service.

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