
Welcome to Advocacy Orkney 

Advocacy Orkney is a registered charity and an independent service which provides free, confidential, and independent advocacy within Orkney.


Founded in 2002, our mission statement is "supporting your voice" and we strongly believe our duty is to help everyone in Orkney to be listened to and respected, to be involved in decisions which affect their lives, and to have access to information relevant to them.


Our four main principles are:

  1. Put our clients first.

  2. Be accountable.

  3. Be accessible.

  4. Be independent.

Who can access our service?

Responsive to the needs of our community, our service focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on advocating for those with mental health or learning disabilities, on families and on the elderly. However, our goal is to help any marginalised or vulnerable Orkney resident, regardless of their particular circumstances.

Please be aware that we are only able to advocate on behalf of Orkney residents

This is a result of our 'articles of association', the document that allows us to operate as a charity. We can help Orkney residents wherever they are in the world, but cannot help people who are not resident here, even if they are currently in Orkney.

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