

Orkney Citizens Advice Bureau is independent and impartial; we provide free and confidential advice and information on a wide range of subjects. Our services are available to anyone who lives or works in Orkney and are delivered by trained staff and volunteers supported by the professional advice, information provision and consultancy services of Citizens Advice Scotland. 

The Bureau can be found at:

Anchor Buildings
6 Bridge Street
KW15 1HR

Telephone: 01856 875266

Orkney CAB operates an appointments only service. You can make an appointment to see an Adviser by contacting the Bureau's reception either in person, email: bureau@orkneycab.casonline.org.uk, or by telephone: 01856 875266

Reception Opening Times are:

Monday 10.00 am - 2 pm
Tuesday 10.00 am - 2 pm
Wednesday 10.00 am - 2 pm
Thursday 10.00 am - 2 pm
Friday 10.00 am - 2 pm

If calling outwith these hours, please leave a message on our answer phone, or make an enquiry online and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.



If you are struggling to make your money last or worried about how you’ll pay your bills, our Money Talk Team advisers can help you ensure you're receiving the money you are entitled to and not paying over the odds for services https://www.moneytalkteam.org.uk/


A lot of useful information and advice may be obtained by visiting the CAB Advice Guide or via our Links page.



Members of the public may apply for membership of Orkney CAB. If you are interested in becoming a member please phone 875266 to request a membership form, alternatively you can download a copy from the library section of our website under Membership.



Orkney CAB is a charitable company limited by guarantee. Registered in Scotland No. 174432. Registered Office: Anchor Buildings, 6 Bridge Street, Kirkwall, KW15 1HR. Recognised by HMRC as a Scottish Charity No. SCO26265.

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