
"Club Night"

The Club meets in the St Magnus Centre on one Friday of most winter months to hear a range of interesting talks. The 2011 season has now begun and press releases can be seen as follows:

March: The Lemurs, People and National Parks of Madagascar (Stephen Jenkinson)

February: The Wildlife of Gwent (Julian Branscombe)

In reverse order, talks over the previous couple of seasons have been as follows: please click on the link to read the press release:

November 2010: The Biodiversity of Okrney's Fishes (Prof Jon Side)

October: A Naturalist Down Under (Chris Booth)

September: A Botanical View of Climate Change (Prof Robert Crawford)

March: Ask the Experts

February: Exploring the Arctic Under Sail (Penny Martin)

November 2009: Orkney's Birds of Prey (Eric Meek)

October: 1859: A Voyage of Discovery (Prof Jon Side)

September: Orkney's Bumblebees (John Crossley)

April: The How and Why of Bird Song (Prof Peter Slater)

March: Orkney's Butterflies and Moths (Sydney Gauld)

February: Ask the Experts

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