
Membership Award Fund

To encourage the study of our local natural history, Orkney Field Club has established an award scheme for our membership. We are keen to support appropriate, small research projects and welcome applications from members, of all ages, for grants from our ‘Membership Award Fund’.

The purpose of the fund is to provide some financial support for OFC members who are engaged in, or wish to establish, a small natural history research project. The potential research topics are wide-ranging and could involve almost anything that may further our biological or ecological knowledge, or support the conservation of Orkney’s wildlife. Grants will not normally be awarded for projects outside the county.

Grants of between £50 and £500 are available for each application to cover, for example: materials; equipment; travel etc.

There is no application form. Candidates should initially submit a written application giving a brief outline of the aim/s of the project and likely outcomes. This should include details of the date and location of the proposed project and the expenses for which the grant is requested.

Applications can be submitted at any time, but will normally only be assessed twice a year, in March and September, with applicants being told the result very soon afterwards.

If a grant is awarded, the successful applicant will be asked to provide a copy of their project report (preferably electronic) by an agreed date. The OFC reserves the right to publish a summary of that report either online or in its paper publications (for example, in our quarterly newsletter or annual bulletin).

Applications should be sent to the OFC Secretary via email: OFCSecretary20@gmail.com

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