Considering last year¹s single figure, entries for this year¹s entry of 17 for the Cricket Singles and Doubles was pretty good, but not nearly enough as there is over 100 registered players in Kirkwall, but the standard of darts on the night was very good, as it is not often that players score 180s in a cricket event, but two were scored. One from young Michael Muir and one from Derek Firth and there was a six wicket throw, that¹s three bulls, from Tone.
A big surprise in the first round was the defeat of Stevie Linklater by team-mate Craig Taylor. By the singles semi-final, there were two B players and two A players. Robbie Stanger and Derek Firth made it to the final, so, once again, it was
a Legion v Untouchables final, with Derek winning 3-1
Derek also contested the doubles with partner Robert Petrie, but crashed out 3-0 to Ian Wilkie and Craig Taylor.
The one remaining A League game was won 9-3 by Meadowbank over RBL2.
It is the big one onn Friday night with the Festive Singles and the Christmas raffle being held in the Royal British Legion. Names in by 7.30pm.
It is an open competition, so any player can enter, but only registered players will gain ranking points. It is a cash in, cash out event, so the more in, the more out. Get those raffle tickets in, sold or unsold. George Grieve has taken over as captain of RBL2.
Ian Wilkie and Craig Taylor 3, Robert Petrie and Derek Firth 0.
Final Derek Firth 3, Robbie Stanger 1.
RBL2 3, Meadowbank 9.
Friday, December 10
Festive Singles in the Royal British Legion, at 7.30pm.
Friday, December 17
East v West in the Stromness Golf Club.