- 1 fileDocuments
- 0 fileskirklink
- 0 filesminutes of board meetings
- 3 filesnewsletter
- 0 filesphotos
- 1 filereadings
- 6 filesroom-hire
- 17kbconditions-of-hire-for-milestone-community-church--2017.docx
- 134kbfire-action-plan-for-milestone-church-2021-new.pdf
- 125kbfire-safety-policy-statement-milestone-church-dounby-2021.pdf
- 64kbmilestone-community-church-booking-form-2018.pdf
- 62kbmilestone-community-church-booking-form.pdf
- 73kbmilestone-community-church-conditions-of-hire.pdf
- 6 filesrotas
- 18 filessermons
- 15kb070614bible translation.docx
- 31kb071314what do you really, really want_ (new version).doc
- 38kb072014citizens of this land.doc
- 34kb080314three drops of water.doc
- 20kb081014equality.docx
- 19kb081714a world fit for children.docx
- 93kb083114midges and camels.pdf
- 91kb090714shalom.pdf
- 89kb091414the mystery and the gift.pdf
- 101kb092114so - we've had a referendum.pdf
- 95kb092814do you speak christian.pdf
- 67kb100514harvest thoughts.pdf
- 107kb101214parsons mumbling.pdf
- 97kb101914women hold up half the sky.pdf
- 115kb110914remembrance reflections.pdf
- 107kb111614parsons mumbling.pdf
- 91kb111614touch-the-earth-lightly.pdf
- 95kb113014the-audacity-of-hope.pdf
- 0 filesspill-the-beans