

Sites either directly linked to Orkney Badminton or badminton in general. As these are external sites we are not responsible for their content

Highland Badminton Group

Find out all the badminton info in the Highlands Area

 Scottish Badminton Union

Fibd out what's happening in the Scottish Badminton Scene


Fabulous Gallery of various sports throughtout Orkney
from past county player Rae Slater

The Orcadian Photos

Another super gallery of photos showing all aspects of lilfe in Orkney. Some badminton photos in their portfolio to be found. 

Kevin A Jones Photography

Shetland photographer with some great badminton pictures

Manufacturers and outlets

Yonex,  Carlton, Wilson, Sports Direct,

Click for Map

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Orkney Independent Financial Advisors
R Clouston
WR Tullock
Clydesdale Bank
D S Nicolson
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