



The Presbytery of Orkney has been superceded by the Presbytery of the North East and Northern Isles. 

Please visit www.nenipresbytery.org.uk for more details. 



Welcome to the Church of Scotland Presbytery of Orkney pages.

Please watch the following Orkney Profile presentation which gives an introduction to life and ministry in Orkney, our current structure, and plans for the future:




The Church of Scotland Presbytery of Orkney includes representatives from all the 20 Church of Scotland congregations in Orkney - the minister, and an elder from each congregation elected by the Kirk Session each year.  In addition, retired ministers living in Orkney and who wish to do so, are also members of the Presbytery, as well as any other ministers holding a post.  

The Presbytery ordinarily meets four times a year (in September, November, February and June), but may meet at other times, as need arises.

The Presbytery is financed by contributions from the local congregations.

The Moderator (either a minister or elder elected annually by the Presbytery) acts as 'chairman'. The Presbytery Clerk acts as secretary to the Presbytery, and a treasurer looks after financial matters.

Various training programmes are also organised by the Presbytery from time to time. These have included training elders, worship teams and leaders, and children's workers (including child protection courses).

The Presbytery signed a covenant of partnership with the Thyolo Highlands Presbytery of the Central African Church Presbyterian, Malawi, in May 2008.

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