Job Vacancy – Waste Management Officer
Hours: 20 per week Wage: £8.50 per hour
The Role will involve working in the Stronsay Recycling Centre overseeing the collection and processing of various waste materials with due consideration for the environment, while conforming to government regulations.
Key Responsibilities
Oversee waste management schemes
Process cardboard, paper and glass waste using specialized equipment
Maintain accurate records and complete regular reports on activity
Attend relevant training courses when necessary
Work with additional volunteers to run and maintain the Stronsay ReStore, processing textiles and furniture waste.
Work with the Development Officer to promote the current facilities and explore/develop new ideas
Keep up to date with changes in legislation and initiatives
Maintain equipment and machinery to specified criteria
Key skills required
No qualifications are required; however, a good level of education is desirable.
Candidates should possess confidence, initiative and organisational skills.
Communication skills are important, and candidates should be able to demonstrate a genuine interest in and understanding of the environment and sustainability issues.
Although the work will mainly involve the daytime opening hours of the recycling centre and ReStore, you may be required to work some evenings and/or weekends to facilitate and participate in open events and activities.
Applications can be downloaded from the following link
documents/application forms/job-application-form-template.doc
or from the Shops and Trust Office. Please complete and return to, Stronsay Development Trust, unit 1, Woods Yard, Stronsay, KW17 2AR
by Monday 17th June, with interviews being held the following week