Amusing song by Richard Stillgoe & Peter Skellern
An amusing song about the recent custom of sharing the peace which not all worshippers fully endorse...
An amusing song about the recent custom of sharing the peace which not all worshippers fully endorse...
Christian Aid
Clicking on the above link will take you directly to Christian Aid donate page
Clicking on the above link will take you directly to Christian Aid donate page
Stronsay Junior High School
Blog of Stronsay Junior High School
Blog of Stronsay Junior High School
Stronsay Limpet
A monthly newsletter for residents and former residents of Stronsay
A monthly newsletter for residents and former residents of Stronsay
Visit Stronsay website
New (Jan 2018) website publicising the island of Stronsay
New (Jan 2018) website publicising the island of Stronsay