
Results 2011/12

Orkney & Scottish Open Boat Championships

 2012 Results
 2012 Report



Local competition results


Results 2011/12



Trophy Winners


John Geddes Midsummer
Sea angling competition winner.
Jocky Robersson
Best angler trophy with 620 points.
Heaviest fish trophy for 2.4kg Ling
William Shearer of William Shearer Merchant
Presenting his trophy winners
Victor Anderson
Heaviest fish trophy-4.8kg Thornie Ray
Derek Firth
Best angler trophy. With 640 points
Paul Firth
2nd best angler with 630 points.
Stan Pyke competition.
Trophies presented by Hazel Hourston.
Jocky Robertson
Best angler trophy. With 1460 points
Bryan Thomas
Heaviest fish trophy-4.9kg Ling
Ken O'Connor
2nd best angler with 1430 points.
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