
Orkney's community planning partnership

Community planning is about public service providers working together, and with communities to improve the quality of people's lives.

Members of Orkney's community planning partnership – known as The Orkney Partnership – want everybody in Orkney to have an equal opportunity to share in Orkney's success, and we will stay focused on our vision until this has been achieved, in accordance with our shared mission:

Working together for a better Orkney

The Covid-19 Pandemic and then the cost of living crisis brought challenges for people living in Orkney which no single agency can solve on its own.

In 2021/22, a widespread consultation took place called Orkney Matters which gave residents and opportunity put their views forward on what they thought should be the priorities for the county over the next few years. The Orkney Partnership adopted new priorities to reflect what people said. For the Partnership 2023/30 Plan, we have adopted the following priorities:

Delivery groups have been established to work on these priorities, and working groups are convened to focus on particular workstreams when necessary. We currently have one working group, the Cost of Living Task Force.

Delivery groups have been established to work on these priorities. The full Orkney Community Plan is available here.



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