

Rules and Constitution


1.Players must sign registration books available from league secretary. Each team can sign up to 8 players. Any player registered for Kirkwall & District Darts League cannot play in the West Darts Association and vice-versa.

Any team which registers, but was not registered the previous season, will be automatically entered into the lowest tier of the leagues.

Any team which registers four or more players who were all registered within the same team the previous season, shall be deemed to be the same team, regardless of any name change, and will be subject to the same conditions of promotion, relegation and penalties accrued during the previous season.

Any team wishing to change team name without retaining at least four players from the previous season must get approval from the committee, otherwise they will be regarded to be a new team.

Players who withdraw before playing games can have name taken out of registration book and are free to sign for another team.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances games should not be cancelled without 24 hours notice.  Any issues arising from this will be discussed by committee and all games to be played by the end of each half of the season.

2.Application fee of teams who join the league will be £60 each team. Fee to be reviewed at each AGM.

3.Teams shall consist of up to 8 players (all over 18). Each league game will be 2 doubles plus 4 singles, then 2 doubles plus 4 singles, a total of 12 games.

League matches are best of five legs. Matches are 501 straight start, double finish. Winner of Bull goes 1 plus 3 and 5, loser 2 and 4. 

4.Bull count as Double 25.

5.All matches will start no later than 20.15 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, as arranged by both captains.

5 (a). Whiteboard/chalk marking - It is the players as well as the markers responsibility to ensure the correct score is taken off, and any discrepancies must be heard before your next throw, or your doubles partners throw, otherwise the score stands. The home team marks one board, away team marks the other.

6.Score cards are to be signed on completion by both captains and returned to the secretary by Friday of week game was played. Cards to be posted on Orkney Darts Facebook page as soon as possible.

7.Throwing distance not less than 7ft 9 and a quarter inches (2.37 metres). Height of board 5ft 8in to middle of bull.

8.It is the marker's responsibility to ensure that players do not over-step the throwing distance. Any player throwing and not abiding by the rules gives the opposing captain the right to ask for that dart or darts to be disregarded.

9.Any dart dropped over the toe line in a throwing action will count as a thrown dart. Marker's decision being final.

10.Players must remove their own darts from the board when finished throwing. Should any or all darts fall from the board before being removed, only darts (if any) left in the board will count.

11.The point of the dart must be touching the board to count.

12.Any team found playing unregistered players shall forfeit that match and points.

13.Any registered player may enter in competitions sponsored by the league.

14.Players names are to be put down blind on score cards by team captains before the start of each match.

15.Should any team be incomplete by 9.00p.m. either captain concerned has the right to claim points for games not played.

16.Winner of game will receive three points with one point for a draw.

17.It is the marker's sole responsibility for checking the lie of the mat, control and scoring of his particular game, also the home captain's responsibility for ensuring (through management) that the boards, pens, etc., are in match play order and for arranging home games.

18.In the event of a tie on points for the championship or runners-up in both leagues, games difference will take effect. If still a tie, league committee reserve the right to appoint a play-off date and venue until a decision is reached. If play-off finishes 6-6 sudden death one leg 1001 team game (last 4 players)

19.Complaints which affect the league committee must be delivered in writing to the secretary. The decision of the committee being final.

20.It is the team captain's responsibility to collect ALL monies due from his team on entering the league. (Note: each team is allowed to register 8 players for the season).

21.In the singles and doubles championships it is the players' own responsibility to enter his name (doubles players can be any registered players).

22.The league trophies, singles and doubles, and all other cups are the property of the K. & D.D.L. Winners of these cups will hold them for the permitted period, then return them to the league, or on the request of the secretary.

23.Anything arising further and not provided for in these rules will be subject to a temporary rule, which the league committee reserve the right to form.


Cup entries are £3 each, £5 for Kirkwall Open. Festive Singles and Kirkwall Open are open to male and female players aged over 18.

A coin toss by the scorer decides which player goes for the bull first in cup games.

League Doubles is a money in/money out to encourage entries, as is the Under 30's Cup. Under 30's up is open to players aged 18- to under the age of 30 on the date of the event.

The committee reserve the right to change cup competitions to a round robin format if enries are low.

ALLIED HOTELS CUP - ‘A’ League - Team of 3 - 3 singles and 1 team game. Best of 3 - 501 straight start - nominated singles for decider, if required.

ST.OLA CUP - ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - 4 singles. Best of 3 - 501 straight start - nominated singles for decider if required.

SPIERS CUP - ‘A’ & ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - 4 singles and 2 doubles. One leg - 601 straight - one 601 team game for decider, if required.

LYNNFIELD CUP - ‘A’ League - Team of 4 - Cricket Cup - 4 singles - 7 wickets. Best of 3 games - bull up each game - nominated singles for decider, if required.

FOUBISTER CUP - ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - Cricket Cup - 4 singles - 7 wickets. Best of 3 games - bull up each game - nominated singles for decider, if required.

SWANNEY CUP - ‘A’ & ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - 4 singles - best of 3 games. 501 straight start - one nominated singles leg 701 for decider if required.

HENDERSON CUP - ‘A’ & ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - 2 doubles & 4 singles. One leg - 601 straight start - one 601 team game for decider, if required.

KNIGHT CUP - ‘A’ League - team of 4 - 301 double start - 4 singles and 2 doubles. Best of 3 games - one 701 team game for decider if required - double start.

SEATTER CUP - ‘B’ League - Team of 4 - 301 double start - 4 singles & 2 doubles. Best of 3 games - one 701 team game for decider if required - double start.

TOM NOTMAN CUP - Best of 3 legs - 301 double start.

FESTIVE SINGLES - Open to any players. - All singles and doubles Cups - Best of 5 legs 501 - Final best of 7.

CRICKET SINGLES - 10 Wickets - best of 3 games - bull up each game.

CRICKET DOUBLES - 12 Wickets - Best of 3 games - bull up each game. 

All team games commence at 7.30p.m.

180 TROPHY- In the event of a tie on 180 scored. Players involved will play off with highest score with 9 darts.

Qualification Criteria for annual fixture versus Shetland Darts Association

1. A series of ranking tournaments will be organised by the KDDL and played throughout the season. Points will be awarded, depending on their finishing position in each competition, to players who make it through to the final 16 in each competition. The list below gives a rundown of the ranking tournaments and the points available for each.

Competitions points system - Winner: 12 points, R/up :9 points, S/Final: 7 points, Q/Final: 5 points, Last 16: 3 points,

Ranking competitions - League Singles, Taylor Singles, Louttit Cup, Jim Scollie Masters, E R & T Craigie Singles, Festive Open Singles, Pitstop Singles.

2. Only players registered with the KDDL will be eligible to receive the points listed above.

3. A game must be won before points are awarded. E.g. If a player receives a bye into the last 16 and loses the match then no points will be awarded.

4. Once all seven competitions have been played the 9 players with the highest accumulated points will be selected to represent the KDDL in the annual fixture against the Shetland Darts Association.

If any player(s) who finish in the top 9 qualifying places, and who choose to, or are not able to to play in the county match, must inform the committee of their withdrawal in writing as soon as possible after the league singles, and prior to the team and captain meeting to vote the wildcards and reserves. Withdrawing players are immediately removed from the team, and the remaining players standings amended to reflect that withdrawl. 

5. In the event of two or more players being tied for the last automatic place(s) then a play-off, by round robin if necessary, will determine who receives the last automatic place(s). The play-off will be decided over the best of 5 legs of 501 at a time and venue to be decided by the committee.

6. If more than two players are involved in the play-off then 2 points will be awarded to each player that wins a match and the player(s) with the highest points total secures the final automatic. If two or more players are level on points after the play-off then the player(s) with the best leg difference will qualify.

7. A further three players will then be selected by the 9 qualified players and team captain, by ballot, to give the team a final number of 12. The non-playing captain having been selected from, and by, the KDDL committee.

The voting system is as follows: The captain and players select three players each on a piece of paper and scores are tallied, with the top 3 being selected as wildcards. In the event of a tie, only the tied players are voted in a repeat process until there is a clear selection. A new tally will then operate for the reserves, where each player writes down 4 players on a piece of paper, again with similar revoting process in the event of tied players.

8. All KDDL registered players are eligible for selection for the team.

'B' ranking system

As well as gaining points from the main ranking points events, to gain qualification to the main team, B players can also gain further points in the B League Singles, Doubles, and Albyn Video Games Shield to enable qualification into the B team to play a Shetland darts Association team. This team is made up from the top 12 plus reserves all in order of ranking.

The KDDL A and B teams to play SDA are also the teams to play against teams from the West Mainland Darts Association in the annual East v West match.

Orkney Championships - KDDL and WMDA singles, doubles, mixed doubles, and team champions play off.

If the play off is in the West then the format follows the West format with team of 6. When it is in East the format is team of 4.

If a team doesn't have 6 signed players then they can bring in one player from second placed team only.

If they can't field a team the runner up will take their place.

Singles and doubles: If players can't make play off date the runners up will take their place. Note: both doubles players must be there or runners up play instead.

Play off for Orkney mixed doubles to find east champions - Registered players from KDDL and L-KDDL only allowed to enter.  Winners play off with the West at Orkney championship play offs.



1. NAME: The name of the league shall be the Kirkwall and Districts Darts League.

2. OFFICE-BEARERS: The Office-Bearers shall consist of : President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

3. COMMITTEE: The Committee shall consist of: Office-Bearers plus five playing Darts players. The business and affairs of the League shall be under the management of this committee.

4. ELECTION OF OFFICE-BEARERS: The Office-Bearers and Committee shall be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and will hold office for one year. All retiring Office-Bearers shall be eligible for re-election.

5. MEMBERSHIP: Membership shall be open to gents darts teams (team of four with up to two reserves) within Kirkwall and the East Mainland. The Committee shall have the power to expel any member who in its opinion has violated the constitution or been guilty of any conduct detrimental to the interest of the League or to the game of darts. The member so expelled shall have the power to appeal to the whole membership of the league, but in order to exercise this right he shall, within seven days of being informed of his expulsion,intimate his appeal to the Secretary. The Secretary shall then call an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the League to consider the appeal.

6. REGISTRATION: The registration fee shall be reviewed at the AGM.

7. MEETINGS:The Committee shall meet for the despatch of all business on such day in each month as shall be determined by the committee and on such additional days as the Committee shall deem necessary. Five members of the Committee shall form a quorum. Questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes. In the case of equality of votes the President shall have a second or casting vote. The President shall preside at each meeting of the Committee. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside. If both are absent then the meeting shall appoint a Chairman from Members present.

8. ACCOUNTS:Accurate accounts and books shall be kept showing the financial affairs and intromissions of the League. An income and expenditure account for the year ending 31st August and a balance sheet as at that date shall be prepared annually by the Treasurer. A cop of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet shall be available from the Treasurer at the AGM.

The bank account shall be kept in the name of the League and every cheque drawn thereon shall be signed by two of three officials.

9. EXPENSES: No Office-Bearers or members of Committee shall receive any remuneration for his services, but he shall be entitled to repayment of any out-of-pocket expenses necessarily incurred by him on behalf of the League.

10. GENERAL MEETINGS:The AGM of the League shall be held each year prior to the start of the League (Secretary to arrange date). The Office-Bearers for the ensuing year shall be elected. The Committee shall submit a report on the activities of the League during the previous year. A financial report and an audited account for the previous year shall be submitted. The members of the league shall have the opportunity to raise any business in connection with the League. Seven clear days notice shall be given of all General Meetings. In the case of Extra-Ordinary General Meetings, the notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called and no other business shall be transacted at the meeting. All registered members of the League are entitled to vote at the AGM. An Extra-Ordinary Meeting of the League shall be called by the Secretary on the authority of the League Committee.

11. ALTERATIONS OF CONSTITUTIONS: No alterations or additions to the foregoing consitutions shall be made except at the AGM or a special general meeting called for the purpose of considering such proposed alteration or addition and then only on receiving the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting notice of the proposed alteration or addition must be sent to the Secretary in writing one week prior to the AGM.

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