One hundred and eighties were scored by: Malcolm Coghill, Gavin Linklater, Erland Ritch, Richie Ballantyne, Glen Foubister, Trevor Shearer, Michael Muir, Paul Foubister (two), Ian Findlay (two), Stevie Garner (two), Stevie Linklater (two), Keith Brumpton (two) and Billy Ward (three). Ian Linklater also had a score of 177.
High Checkouts: Brian Moar 100, Keith Brumpton 100, Kevin Gray 101, Gary Wilson 102, Kevin Peace 102, Billy Ward 108, Gordy Rendall 110, Bruce Moar 110, Stevie Linklater 110, Erlend Lennie 110, Erland Ritch 112, Ray Butcher 115, Leigh Shearer 117, Graham Firth 119 and Steven Griffiths (106, 119).
Short Legs: Bruce Moar/Stevie Linklater 15, Ian Linklater/Brett Dickinson 15, Keith Brumpton/Aaron Mitchell 15, Stevie Garner 15, Erland Ritch 15, Kevin Gray 15, Leigh Shearer 15, Robbie Stanger/Billy Ward 14, Ian Linklater 14 and Brian Moar 14.
'A' League:
Muppets 4, Ale Stars 8
Legion 5, OGC 7
Sanday 4, Untouchables 8
Tankerness 3, Exiles 9
OGC 12, Muppets 0
'B' League:
The Toonies 9, Shandy Bass 3
Sands 10, Quoyburray 2
Wanderers 11, Bilco Boys 1
Murray Arms 10, EMYFC 2
Young Loons 8, Quoyburray 'B' 4
Kirkwall Open Warm-up competition Final: Lewis Plank 4, Robbie Stanger 3
Kirkwall Open Final: Kevin Gray 5, Jamie Drever 1
Friday March 21, League Singles (Ranking), Masonic, 7.30pm