
Trustees and Directors

Orkney Branch of The Pony Club and Orkney Riding Club are each entitled to appoint two Trustees and Riding for the Disabled Association and Orkney Carriage Driving Group are each entitled to appoint one Trustee.
The Board can then appoint other Trustees as it considers necessary.

Katie Coward - Chair - Orkney Branch of the Pony Club

Karen Greaves - Vice Chair - Orkney Riding Club

Davina Johnston - Secretary

Dennis Bichan - Treasurer - Orkney Riding Club

Jill Rendall - Orkney Branch of The Pony Club

John Skuse - Riding for the Disabled Association

Toots Cromarty - Orkney Carriage Driving Group

Kirsteen Stewart

Please CLICK HERE to email any of the Trustees.

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