

Our indoor and outdoor facilities at the Market Stance are available for hire. There is no dedicated caretaker so we must each do our bit to ensure our fine facility remains in pristine condition. The low hire charge reflects this. Always clean up after yourself (or others). If you find yourself there with some time, sweep the floor, wash the sinks, replenish the toilet roll holders, empty bins and take rubbish away or whatever is necessary.
This is your facility, please look after it. Take responsibility, do not leave it for somebody else.

Bookings for all facilities are for whole hours, starting on the hour. 

You can book online by choosing Make a Booking in the menu bar.

If you have a query or need a hand you can telephone Crantit Dairy, 872542.   
Alternatively click here to send an email 

The first time you make a booking online you will be asked for a debit or credit card number.
Your card will only be debited after the booking has taken place and you can amend or cancel your booking until the time the booking takes place.
When you make, amend or cancel a booking you will receive email confirmation showing how much, if anything, your card will be debited.

You can also pay by cash or cheque at the Riding Centre or by BACS. 
Bank details:  Orkney Riding Centre   Sort Code 80-08-66   Account No 00613580.
BACS reference must be name of person who actually made the booking plus date of hire.

However you choose to pay, PLEASE complete the remittance advice indicating method of payment to help us match payment with hire.

Cash or cheques should be placed in pouch provided along with the completed remittance advice and posted in the safe.  The safe and forms etc can be found in the vestibule across from the cafeteria entrance.

Both the front and side entrance doors have combination locks using the same code, which will be given to you when you make your first booking. The large sliding doors on the arena are unlocked by unscrewing and sliding back the bolts. Both halves of the door open in the same direction as indicated on them. Please ensure all doors are locked closed on departure.

The lights above the front entrance door and the side door have motion detectors fitted and come on automatically. On entering the side door there is a bank of switches on the opposite wall facing you and each switch is clearly labelled. Here you will find switches for the arena lights as well as for the car park flood lights. Please do not use lights unnecessarily and be very careful to switch off all lights on departure, remembering that the lights above the entrances are automatic.

The first car park is for normal parking while the inner one is for unloading and tying up horses. It is very important that the gates to the inner car park are kept shut to ensure that a loose horse cannot escape. At a larger event we may have to use both car parks for horses and keep the main entrance gates closed.

Alongside the front entrance you will find a disabled toilet, gents toilet and a larger ladies toilet. Please make sure you leave them in a clean and tidy condition.

Please CLICK HERE to download hire charge details and user guidelines.


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