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Botany Group - August 3rd

by Kate - 22:13 on 05 August 2021

Botany Group August 3rd 2021

Five of us met at the cemetery car park at the Bu, Orphir at 2pm on the 3rd August.  It was a fine day with a light breeze, overcast at the start of the walk but half way round, the cloud cleared and the sun shone and it turned into a very pleasant day.  We set out along the cliff path from the cemetery, normally a wet slippery walk, but today it was bone dry. The cliff walk had a large variety of late summer flowers, maybe a little washed out because of the drought. But there were beautiful stands of Devil’s-bit Scabious, Scots Lovage and areas of Ling heather mixed with Bell heather in perfect bloom.  Along the way we were accompanied by a profusion of common blue and meadow brown butterflies.  Again we all looked at the differences between Catsear and Autumnal Hawkbit.

The species found on the cliff path are as follows:  Creeping Thistle, Marsh Thistle, Spear Thistle and Perennial Sow Thistle, Sea Mayweed, Orache, Silver Weed, Cow Parsley, Hogweed, Angelica, Scots Lovage, Broad-leaved Dock, Lady’s Bedstraw, Meadow Vetchling, Kidney Vetch, Bird’s-foot-trefoil, Tufted vetch, Yarrow, Cat’s-ear, Devil’s-bit Scabious, Sea Plantain, Ribwort Plantain, Tormentil, Red and White Clover, Sea Ivory, Ling and Bell Heather,Creeping Willow, Sorrel, Yellow Rattle, Ragwort, Violets, Corn Spurrey, Sneezewort, Autumnal Hawkbit, Hybrid Woundwort.

Returning to  the car park we found that the all the road sides up from the Breck have recently been strimmed and mown.  However there were some flowers left, most notably the last remaining Pink Purslane which normally covers the road edges down to the cemetery.  A brief detour through the wood found only Red Campion and Bramble in flower.  Both the burn in the wood and that at the Bu were still running, but only just.

The species found retuning from the Breck are as follows:  Red Campion, Yellow Flag, Horsetail, Hard Fern, Marsh and Great Willowherb, Bush Vetch, EyeBright Arctica, Butterbur, Meadowsweet, Bramble, Sticky Mouse-ear, Redshank, Pink Purslane, Selfheal, Cleavers, Pineapple Mayweed,  Marsh Marigold, Watercress, Water Forget-me-nots, Monkey flower, Groundsel, and Smooth Sow Thistle.


Scots Lovage


Devil's Bit Scabious


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